Alarm Response Unit

Secure Your Premises with Our Alarm Monitoring Services

Security’s state-of-the-art National Command Center is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with seasoned professionals. These professionals manage our day-to-day activities, as well as coordinate our response to any emergency situation. This includes our alarm response services. As noted above, the National Command Center serves as a single point of contact for our clients and will work directly with you in the event of security alarm activity.

Reliable Security guard business Reliable Security guard

Alarm Response can respond to your alarms so you don't have to. Our highly trained professional response officers will attend any alarm activation, secure the building and lock up leaving you with the piece of mind that your premises are in safe hands. On top of all those fantastic perks, we don't even charge you a call out fee like many security companies.

Feel free to get in touch with our experienced security team on +60 7354 6454 or to see how we can help.